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Case Study: Susan

Childminder back to work the next day after vein treatment.

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How did Susan make the decision to undergo varicose veins treatment?

Susan Bayes, 48 from Beverley works as a childminder, looking after 6 children, managing busy school drop offs and pick ups on a daily basis. So, knowing that she could go to work the next day after treatment made her decision to go ahead with Veincentre much more appealing.


How did varicose veins affect Susan’s day to day life?

“I’ve suffered with cramps and achy legs for so long and after a busy day at work I really did see that varicose veins were affecting my quality of life and stopping me in my tracks.” said Susan.

“I love being busy and am on my feet all day. I’m so pleased that I’ve finally done something about them.”

But it’s not just the pain and achy legs that Susan didn’t like, as she said: “In the summer months I always covered up and didn’t want to wear shorts because of my varicose veins. I’m now looking forward to next summer where I can wear shorts and skirts without feeling self-conscious about my veiny leg.”

What did Susan’s colour duplex ultrasound scan indicate?

Susan was suffering with symptoms like tiredness, restlessness, burning and cramps. The colour duplex ultrasound scan showed that Susan was suffering with an underlying valve problem in the main vein in her right leg, called the Great Saphenous vein. This problem with the valve was what caused Susan’s varicose veins.

Inside the veins in your legs are one way valves, which allow the blood to travel in one direction from the feet back up to the heart. Sometimes, the valves stop working which means the blood can flow back down the vein. There is therefore blood travelling in both directions, which causes an increase of pressure inside the vein which leads to it bulging outwards. This then leads to symptoms such as the ones Susan suffered with.


What treatment did Susan undergo?

Mr Raj Nair, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, performed Endovenous Laser Ablation under local anaesthetic, and treated the visible veins in the calf with foam sclerotherapy at the new state of the art Veincentre clinic in Hull.


How were things for Susan after her treatment?

“Wearing the stockings for a week after the treatment was uncomfortable and I’d say the first week was painful, but great that I was still able to go to work and carry on with my life as normal”, added Susan.

Susan is now pain free and delighted with her new leg and rushing around on the school run is now so much easier.

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