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Karleen Perry

Quality & Compliance Officer

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Karly joined the Veincentre team in August 2018. She previously worked in the Mental Health sector and at a Primary Care health centre. Her career goal has always been aimed at working within the health sector and this has been reflected through her studies over the years.

She completed a Medical Secretaries Diploma in 2015 and has since continued with further studies to gain a Level 4 qualification as Healthcare Assistant and management studies.

Karly joined the team as a Medical Secretary and progressed onto her current role as Quality & Compliance Officer, she always strives to develop her skills and knowledge in all aspects of the business.

At college, Karly also gained a qualification in Art and this continues to be a hobby of interest in her spare time through drawing and photography, which both of her children also enjoy. She likes to spend time with her family, taking part in various activities such as paddle boarding, hiking and travelling.

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